Mid Century Food – Yummy!

If you have your head in a mid-century fog, you might have missed Mid-Century Menu a category/feature on “No Pattern Required”, where Ruth makes the long-suffering Tom try a myriad of fabulous (ahem, see the picture in the post? maybe not?) dishes!  The feature got so popular that Ruth has spun off a separate blog where she can abuse (oops, I meant “test”) more recipes on poor Tom.

Here’s my most recent Mid-Century find! I love cookbooks and I adore graphics and this had both in large quantity:

Such wonderful artwork – I sort of wonder how they got “641” – seems like sort of a random number doesn’t it? I haven’t tested them yet, but I will let you know how they turn out!

If you feel like dipping your feet into the waters of Mid-Century cooking, but sure to check out this Flickr group, where you can post pictures of your finished creations (be sure to take a look, some of them are a riot)!

OR, if you want to play it safer and just collect the cookbooks for the artwork, this is the place to show off your finds!

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