Happy Retro Turkey day!


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Retro Roadtrip: Wigwam Motel Holbrook Arizona

Spring Break we hit the road and traveled a bit of the “Mother road” (Route 66 for those of you new to the hobby!)! One of our favorite stops was at the Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, AZ! The Wigwam Motels, also known as the “Wigwam Villages”, was a motel chain in the United States in which the rooms are built in the form of tipis designed by architect Frank Redford. The chain originally had seven

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Mid-Century Motel: the Buckaroo Motel in Tucamcari NM

I LOVE it when I get feedback from my readers that means you not only GET it! You’re in it with me! I got a wonderful email from Jenny G – of “The Romantic Gringo” that they were making an automotive pilgrimage from Detroit to Carefree, AZ for the holidays, and stopped in Tucumcari for the night. The Buckaroo sounds like exactly our sort of place – not even a website available! Here’s her partial

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How to stock a Mid-Century cocktail bar for the summer

It’s summer and this long winter we seem to have depleted our bar selection, so it’s time to stock up!  So, what do you need to stock the perfect Mid-Century Bar? The Alcohol Selection: Gin Vodka Rum Bourbon Scotch Tequila Sweet vermouth Dry vermouth Cointreau For the non-mixed drink crowd: White wine Red wine Beer Essential Mixers and garnishes: Cranberry Orange Tomato Cola Lemon-lime Ginger ale Tonic Seltzer Margarita mixer (frankly I find it’s easier

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Preserving the iconic gas station in your area

There is almost nothing as iconic as the Mid-Century Gas station. Once placed obviously along the road to attract weary travelers and to feed the gas to move along the road, now quite a few of the most wonderful architecturally stand empty and deserted. This particular gas station in my area got me thinking about preservation of these great structures! This former Phillips 66 gas station, displays the quintessential stylized box design. Its space age

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